What NJADS is Doing to Keep Our Dance Family Safe
Updated March 24, 2022
We have made changes to our processes and procedures as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. These COVID protocols are in place to ensure the safety of our dance students, our staff and the population in general. Some of the changes are outlined below:
What Dancers Can Expect When Coming to Class
View our Protocol Video to see how your first day of class will go!
- A parent or guardian must complete a pre-screening form before attending class at the studio. Parents are then also required to self-screen their child before each class. If the student is experiencing ANY symptoms of COVID-19 they must stay home from dance and should seek testing and appropriate medical attention.
Please click the image below to access the screening form!

- There is a gap between classes to ensure that there is time for one group to exit before the next class is admitted. It is very important that parents arrive on time to pick up their dancers after class. Dancers will not be dismissed until a parent has met them at the door.
- The studio is disinfected with Canadian government approved disinfectants each day. This includes high touch surfaces such as door handles, barres, bathroom etc. This will assist in avoiding the possible spread of germs.
- Dancers will be assigned their own “box” in the classroom which is a minimum of 7x7ft to ensure social distancing is maintained throughout the class. Students must place any personal belonging in this taped off area i.e. water bottle. We recommend limiting items brought to class, and only bring what is necessary to participate in the class.
- Coat hooks have been added throughout the building to allow for safely distanced placement of belongings. We ask that dancers only bring the necessary items such as coats and water bottles as extra cubby space will NOT be available in the changing rooms.
- As of November 2020 classes have been reduced to a maximum of 10 students per class to ensure the number of people within the building does not exceed the City of Hamilton COVID By-Law guidelines.
- Signage and safety posters will be posted in around the studio and at the entrances including physical distancing reminders, hand hygiene, City of Hamilton By-Law information regarding masks etc.
- Masks are optional for dancers and staff and wear as per current government regulations.
- The studio remains CLOSED to non-participant until further notice. Only students enrolled in classes will be allowed to enter our unit (and only at their scheduled class time). Parents may enter the building lobby to drop off their child and come back at the end of class, or wait in their vehicle.
- Changerooms will remain CLOSED, and students must arrive to class already in their appropriate dancewear.
- Students who have classes back to back will be allowed to stay inside the studio between classes.
- Parents/guardians will be advised to line up outside with their students 5 mins before class starts in the building lobby and to meet their child in the lobby after class at the designated time. Children’s safe exiting of the building to a parent/guardian will be monitored by staff. Parents will have to be diligent in picking up and dropping off their children on time for this upcoming season. PLEASE NOTE: We ask that parents please come meet your child at the door. We will not be dismissing the younger children into the parking lot without a parent to walk them to the car.
- All students will be screened prior to entering the studio. This includes, but is not limited to, answering a pre-screening questionnaire, and having their temperature checked with a no-contact forehead thermometer.
- Bathrooms will be sanitized regularly throughout the day. We have installed hands-free taps and soap dispensers to limit exposure.
- Creative Movement for Tots classes will become Dance with Me classes. This means that each student under the age of 3 will have a caregiver in the classroom with them to ensure that they follow the rules and maintain social distancing throughout the class.
- Hygiene – Employees, contractors, volunteers and students will have their hands sanitized upon entry and as often as needed, as well as encouraged to wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds when necessary.
- Everyone will be encouraged to follow respiratory etiquette (e.g. coughing or sneezing into a bent elbow, promptly disposing of used tissues in the trash).
- Props will not be cleaned and disinfected after each use (i.e. yoga blocks, therabands, scarves etc.).
- Attendance is taken in every class. Parents MUST submit an absence and reason through our Parent Portal for public health contact tracing.
- Students and instructors will be socially distanced by 6 feet or more during class. Parents may authorize NJADS Instructors to enter this social Distancing barrier (via the Pre-Screening Questionnaire) to make corrections to their child during dance class (i.e. contact to correct posture, position, technique, or to spot during acro class). Both student and instructor must wear their mask if within 6 feet. When the City of Hamilton is in the Red Zone there will be no contact between dancers and staff to limit contact.
- Drop in for classes is not allowed. All dancers must register for a specific class per week, and remain with their class cohorts. Missed classes due to vacation, illness or other are non-refundable, and cannot be made up. All dancers must remain with their class cohort as per Hamilton Public Health.
- If a dancer exhibits COVID-19 related symptoms while at the studio, become ill or are displaying or feeling symptoms must self-isolate and will not be permitted to participate in dance classes. The dancer will be taken to a separate room and their family will be notified immediately to come pick them up.
- The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to other illnesses, including the cold and flu. At this time, it is recommended that any dancer who has any respiratory symptoms or any symptoms of illness will be sent home. Public Health Ontario has provided helpful guidance on self-monitoring and self-isolation. In addition, if you are unsure the dancer should review the NJADS 2021 Screening Form they completed when classes resumed. If they answer “YES” to any of the symptoms or contacts, they may not enter and should contact their health provider, public health and/or Telehealth: 1-866-797-0000.
Has someone in your household recently tested POSITIVE for COVID-19?
- If someone in your family tests positive for COVID-19, the dancer cannot attend class for 5 days after symptoms started of the family member.
- If additional family members test positive during that quarantine, the 5-day isolation is extended starting from the new positive case date.
- Err on the side of caution and do not attend class if you are unclear if your child is contagious or not.
The following is directly from our Studio Policies that all parents/caregivers have signed: Students should not attend class if they have a fever, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, productive cough, severe nasal discharge, suspected communicable disease, lice, or any cold or flu-like symptoms not previously listed.
We may extend the isolation dates and not have dancers/staff attend events where large groupings of our dancers will be present if it is in the best interests of our dance family at large (i.e. Recital, Parades etc.)
We understand that our policies may be more stringent than the current government mandates, but we are doing this to keep everyone safe.
We are excited to be back in the studio, and want to ensure every precaution is taken to ensure a smooth and safe transition to back-to-dance!
Keep Dancing!
Amanda Jeffery, BFA
Studio Owner/CEO of NJADS Inc.
Hamilton Location: 833 Upper James Street, Rear Unit
Ancaster Location: 1412 Sandhill Drive, Unit C (in the Ancaster Business Park)
In the event that a COVID-19 Quarantine becomes mandated in the future, all of our Dance classes will be moved online for a virtual dance experience.

Not ready to be in studio dancing? Join our Virtual Dance classes online! Be active, have fun, and STAY SAFE learning from the comfort of your own home! Visit our classes page to see all available classes.